Sunday, June 14, 2009

A slight delay...

Well, I had planned to get started on my routine today. I was going to hit up the gym bright and early and feel all energized and refreshed for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, my body had other plans for me. I feel like there is a marching band in my head, and any slight sudden movement sends waves of nausea crashing over me. That's my punishment for overdoing the 'last hurrah' before getting back on track.

My best friend, her husband and I went to see my brother's band play at a bar, and apparently there was some huge 'Fireman Bar Crawl', ending at the bar we were at. Needless to say, it was jam-packed with firemen and their drunken buddies and significant others. We were seated at a table front and center, so we got a front-row view of all those classy ladies in their high-high heels and their short-short dresses dancing the night away (and sloshing their drinks all over the place in the process) while desperately trying to convince the band that HEY! OMG! They know the words to this song too, so can they get up there and sing it with them? Of course the response is a resounding 'hell no' (in a nicer way, but not much nicer - keep in mind that everyone was drunk). Anyway, all that oh so classy business aside, it was a fun night. There were bagpipes. Lots of bagpipes. Yeah, I don't know either. But it was interesting, nonetheless.

To make a long story short (too late for that, sorry), I'm far more hungover than I planned on being, therefore making my trip to the gym today a baaad idea, unless I get struck with the urge to hear gym attendants calling out 'Cleanup on Aisle Arc-Trainer!' as I slink out the front door in quiet embarassment.

Anyway, tomorrow is the day. I'm starting on a strict low carb diet (less than 20 per day) and hitting the gym after work. Wish me luck!

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